Thomas J. Lane

Scientist interesting in building new technology to reveal the structure, dynamics, and function of life at the molecular scale.

I am currently leading the photobiology (PBIO) group at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, DESY. Previously, I was a principal scientist at CHARM Therapeutics and a staff scientist at the the world’s first hard X-ray free electron laser, the LCLS. During my PhD, I studied at Stanford under Vijay Pande and worked as part of the Folding@home team.


My focus is on developing new technology to image life at the molecular scale, pushing the limits of we can do in space & time.

At present, my team is working on photoactive and coronavirus proteins using frontier methods in crystallography, specifically:

  1. time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) of photoactive proteins
  2. extracting allosteric and dynamical information from large numbers of crystals subjected to perturbation, a field we coined “statistical crystallography”

If you are interested learning more about our group, including open positions, please visit the the group site.


In addition to expertise in frontier structural biology, I have industry experience developing corporate technical strategy, with a focus on the challenging but exciting intersection of machine learning and biology. Reach out by email to inquire.